Wednesday, July 9, 2014

God's Got This

Lately I've been praying for God to:
Continue to break me
Remove anything in me not like him
Fully restore me through him
Fill me with him
Take me on a new journey with him
Take me to a deeper level like I've never seen before

He's doing just that.

I have my most favorite scripture tattooed on my left shoulder blade - Philippians 4:13.

Philippians 4:13 NLT
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

God's been speaking to me about how that must apply to my whole life, not just pieces. It must apply spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc...ALL areas.  I must fully rely on him, not me. For those who really know the true SJ, this is a daunting task. I am a strong, independent, do-it-myself kind of person.

As I sit here this morning in the hospital room watching my very sick husband sleep, I can tell you that personal fears want to crop up. The fear of the unknown looms about. But I must and will stand, faith believing, that God's got this. I'm not sure of what all we may face or what bridge we will cross next, but I'm leaning on God and resting in him. He will be my strength. He will be my courage. He will be my hope. He will carry us. He will heal Timmy.

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