Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Breakthrough

This year's International Assembly theme is Breakthrough. This isn't by happenstance. God is truly up to something good. A huge breakthrough in my life and many others began during our summer camp in June. 

I can say that my life is forever changed. He has restored life and joy in me and my marriage. He removed deep rooted hurt, anger, and bitterness and replaced those dark voids with his love, strength, and courage. I AM FREE!  I am free from the weight of the lies and tricks of Satan. I am free from not feeling adequate him I am enough!  My identity is in Christ, not what I thought I was nor what others say I am. I am his child. I am an overcomer through him. I cannot do anything on my own but with him there is unlimited potential.

My love for God is overflowing.  God is so good!  He cares about not just the big things but even the smallest things that concern us.

Do you need God?  Do you need his healing?  Get real with him and give him all of your heart. Hold nothing back. Let him forever change you and fill you with his love, strength, and courage.

God thank you for your miraculous healing in me and my life and never leaving me nor forsaking me. Let me keep my focus on you and rely on your strength for I can do nothing on my own. Continue to remove me and fill me with you. Continue to break me free from anything not like you. Mold me into your image. Use this vessel for your will and to show your love to others.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Looking Back

Matthew 6:24 MSG
“You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other."

For a few weeks now, I've had this thought for a blog running through my head.   I've been trying to get my thoughts together on it.

God's been asking me, "Why are you looking back?  Am I not I am?  Will I not stay true to my promises? Do I not take care of you?  Why look back?"

As I ponder those deep questions, I can't help but think of the Children of Israel and Lot's wife. They looked back physically and in their hearts, instead of fully trusting God in all aspects.  Looking back and hanging on to the past didn't and still doesn't produce positive results (captivity, sin, death).  So many times we've lived in a certain situation, bondage, sin, etc for so long that it just feels natural. It was such a part of us that going back to it "fits like a glove" (ST).  But fully repenting and relying on God brings freedom, victory, being overcomers, deeper relationship with him, peace, joy, happiness, promises, etc.

You can't straddle the fence. You either love God or hate God. You can't serve 2 masters. We're being to God or to Satan. But we must make the choice. Make the right choice and don't look back!

God forgive me of the times I've failed and looked back. Continue to change me. Continue to guide my steps and take me on your journey. Protect my heart, mind, eyes, and ears from the lies of the enemy who would want me to doubt you or look back. Help me to be still and rest in you when life gets crazy and burdensome. I am an overcomer through you because through you I can do all things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

God's Got This

Lately I've been praying for God to:
Continue to break me
Remove anything in me not like him
Fully restore me through him
Fill me with him
Take me on a new journey with him
Take me to a deeper level like I've never seen before

He's doing just that.

I have my most favorite scripture tattooed on my left shoulder blade - Philippians 4:13.

Philippians 4:13 NLT
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

God's been speaking to me about how that must apply to my whole life, not just pieces. It must apply spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc...ALL areas.  I must fully rely on him, not me. For those who really know the true SJ, this is a daunting task. I am a strong, independent, do-it-myself kind of person.

As I sit here this morning in the hospital room watching my very sick husband sleep, I can tell you that personal fears want to crop up. The fear of the unknown looms about. But I must and will stand, faith believing, that God's got this. I'm not sure of what all we may face or what bridge we will cross next, but I'm leaning on God and resting in him. He will be my strength. He will be my courage. He will be my hope. He will carry us. He will heal Timmy.